Free history story by Leila (Hepburn) , wife of Tinny Matthews, who had 5&10 cent store in Preston, Click HERE to read

Free Audio short story. Click HERE to listen.

Amazingly, Lauran Paine wrote over 1000 books under 69 different names, mostly western. Click HERE to read this 1954 novelette.

City of Cambridge Heritage Assessment of Forbes Park. If you want to learn about the history of the park this is a good resource. Here is LINK to read and download.

Hespeler - 7 Ideas for the Future

Hespeler- A Sustainable Community Moving Forward, is available now as a free pdf download. The booklet mentions some of the non-profits doing great work in the community. It also has 7 suggestions to move our community forward in a healthy positive way. Enjoy reading this book and reach out if you want to get involved. Click HERE to download the pdf version of the booklet.

                                              Midnight Galop Laura Hespeler
Midnight Galop sheet music- Geo. C. Pettit (LINK)

I Remember - Herbert Stitt (LINK)

1949 Hespeler Planning Board Report, Hespeler, ON (LINK)

Stamped and Enamelled Ware Hespeler
Stamped & Enamelled Ware Catalogue, Hespeler,ON  LINK
Hespeler Manufacturing
Hespeler Machinery Co Catalogue, Hespeler,ON LINK  

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